case studies

Authors Who've Seen Kickstarter Success!

  1. A big splash by a major author
  2. 12 months of rewards
  3. Major production infrastructure
  4. Incredible community engagement
  5. $41,754,153 raised from 185,341 backers
  1. Multi-author campaigns including Katee Robert, Nikki Sloane, Jenny Nordbak, and more
  2. Huge existing podcast audience
  3. First two campaigns raised $400,000+ each
  1. WSJ/USA Today bestselling author
  2. Five campaigns in one year totaling $590,000+
  3. Deluxe editions, special treatments, book boxes, scene play boxes
  4. $304,596 raised in this campaign
  1. USA Today bestselling author
  2. Launch of first four books in new YA series
  3. Multiple formats and reward combinations
  4. $40,514 raised
  1. Reader-powered publisher
  2. Deluxe editions, standard print editions, and more
  3. $80,000 raised over two campaigns

Interested in learning more? Reach out to us today!

The INKfluence is partnering with Kickstarter and can hold joint calls!
Please note: Our min goal amount for our clients is $7,500.

#KickstarterReads Stats

Source: Kickstarter

98k projects launched

$608m dollars pledged

4.1m backers

2023 was the 4th best-year-ever in a row

Current success rate: 64%

Success rate for projects with 25+ backers: 85%