NetGalley has placed a strong emphasis on rekindling the engagement of its community. Their goal is to ensure that members not only return frequently but also actively participate in the discovery and book request process. They encourage members to share their reviews and feedback, benefiting both publishers and a wider readership.
NetGalley has also made noteworthy adjustments to its Member Types and subtypes. These changes include enhancing the visibility of each member’s primary audience, enabling more precise targeting for authors seeking the right audience for their books on a micro-level.
Their community is made up of over 550,000 active members, comprising of reviewers, booksellers, librarians, educators, media/journalists, and book trade professionals.
• Over 90,000 reviews are submitted each month on their website.
• They partner with 4 major organizations, such as the ALA.
• YA, General Adult Fiction, Romance, Mystery & Thrillers, and Sci-Fi & Fantasy are their top 5 categories (in that order).
• 56% of their users like to receive newsletters about books in their fave categories.
INKfluence is a premier marketing agency, dedicated to empowering authors with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the dynamic world of publishing.