about our partners

Malorie Cooper has been a full time author since 2017 and is a NYT Best Selling Author. Jill Cooper started self publishing in 2012 and hit the USAT Best Selling List. Together, they have hit and maintained five figure income per month and their fiction has brought in over 1.75 million dollars in fiction revenue.

Together they have built their marketing firm to teach authors how to sell more books and earn more money! They provide classes, consulting, and coaching videos.

For detailed information on their services click here!

Welcome to INKFluence

We are a premier marketing consulting agency, dedicated to empowering authors with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the dynamic world of publishing. Our goal is to be your strategic partner, guiding you through your publishing journey, from crafting effective email marketing campaigns and successful book launches to navigating crowdfunding, direct selling, customer retention, promotional products, pitch prep sessions, and beyond.

At INKfluence, we believe that your success is our success. We are committed to providing authors with the essential tools and personalized strategies that will not only amplify your book’s visibility but also establish a powerful author brand. Our team of experienced marketing professionals is passionate about helping you achieve your goals and realizing the full potential of your literary endeavors.

our core values

We view our relationship with authors as a collaborative partnership, working closely with you to understand your vision and aspirations.

We stay ahead of the curve, employing creative and innovative marketing techniques that captivate audiences and set your work apart.

Trust is paramount to us. We maintain the highest standards of integrity and transparency, ensuring you’re well-informed throughout the entire marketing process.

Our strategies are data-backed and results-oriented, ensuring that every effort contributes directly to your success.

Join INKfluence today

Join INKfluence today and let us guide you on your path to literary triumph. With our comprehensive suite of services and unwavering commitment to your success, together, we will conquer new frontiers in book marketing and elevate your author brand to unprecedented heights. The world is waiting for your story, and we’re here to help you share it!

Our Services

Email Marketing Excellence

Our experts will help you harness the power of email marketing, connecting you directly with your readers to foster engagement, build a loyal fan base, and drive book sales.

Crowdfunding Support

We understand the importance of funding your creative projects. Let us guide you through the crowdfunding process, creating compelling campaigns that resonate with backers and turn your dreams into reality.

Book Launch Brilliance

A successful book launch can make all the difference. Our agency will develop comprehensive launch strategies that create excitement, generate buzz, and set the stage for your book's success within your budget.

Direct Selling Strategies

Whether you're selling through online platforms or your own website, we'll equip you with effective direct selling techniques to reach your audience directly and maximize your sales potential. We're experts in Shopify.

Customer Retention Expertise

Keeping your existing readers engaged and satisfied is crucial for long-term success. Our customer retention strategies will help you build lasting relationships with your audience, ensuring they continue to support your work.

Promotional Products

Stand out in the market with impactful promotional products that showcase your brand and leave a lasting impression on your readers and fans.

Pitch Prep Sessions

Perfect your pitch and elevate your presence in the publishing industry with our pitch preparation sessions. We'll help you confidently present your work to agents, publishers, and other industry professionals as well as readers. It’s important for book signings to have a clear concise description of your book that will hook readers in a short period of time.