NetGalley Service


Gain more reviews and grow your email list!


  • 30 days live on NetGalley
  • Management of reviewer approvals
  • Social Image to promote your book is live for a limited time
  • Receive an excel spreadsheet with all reviewers at the end of your promotion




Ready to skyrocket your book’s recognition and reviews? Our NetGalley Service is your passport to gaining valuable feedback while expanding your email list. With 30 days of prime exposure on NetGalley, we manage reviewer approvals, ensuring your book reaches the right audience.

Your book deserves more than shelf space; it deserves a platform that resonates. Our NetGalley Service puts your book in front of engaged readers who are eager to discover new voices. With our expert management of reviewer approvals, your book gets noticed by those who matter most.

Don’t let your book’s potential go untapped. Our service empowers you to harness the power of NetGalley’s vibrant community, generating authentic reviews and driving word-of-mouth growth. Let’s amplify your story together.